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HOLSTEINER Magazine Cover.png


HOLSTEINER | Magazine Cover

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Giuliana Cavalla - HOLSTEINER (6).png
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Giuliana Cavalla - HOLSTEINER (8).png
Copia de Giuliana Cavalla - HOLSTEINER.png
MD Magazine Cover.png


MD | Magazine Cover

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Giuliana Cavalla - MD (3).png
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The Ad


First of all, I didn't want my ad to be very direct when selling the product, I wanted to create a dilemma that most people could relate to, creating a necessity, to then offer the car as a solution to this problem. The scenario I chose was a business woman arriving late to a business meeting. By using a businesswoman I wanted to break the stereotype of only men being interested in cars as well as breaking the stereotype of businessMEN as a whole. The purpose of this ad is to sell Audi cars, as well as to continue to build and reinforce the brand identity of Audi, as a reliable, luxurious, performance brand.


The target audience of this ad are young to middle-aged adults, in between their 20s and 50s, as this is the age group with more audi clients. Although most of Audi's customers are men this ad is not targeted to any gender in specific, it attempts to break stereotypical gender roles. This commercial is targeted to consumers form an upper social group and economic class (the succeeded as described by Young and Rubicam), these are people who can afford this type of vehicle more comfortably.


Because seconds matter | Commercial Advertisement

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Giuliana Cavalla - Script-2.png
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Giuliana Cavalla - Techniques - TV Ad Nota 4.1.png
Commercial Advertisement Reflection

My project applied the conventions of a TV commercial ad by creating an emotional effect on the audience, I achieved this by using a wide pov shot of 5 business people looking disapprovingly at the camera/the audience, the shot's aim was to create a negative emotion on the viewer to then immediately offer a solution to the negative feeling. Another technique I used was an indirect comparison, by using the phrase "because seconds matter" after showing the woman arriving late to a business meeting, I am alluding to the fact that other cars are slower, which would make the driver be late, and Audi cars, which are faster, won’t cause you to be late; this could also be considered as use of exaggeration as an advertising technique as in reality getting an Audi will almost never make a difference in being late to an event. The target audience of my ad were people who were not only interested in Audi, but that were able to afford one. It also targeted younger adults as it is fast-paced, and younger people have a lower attention span. 


An example where my project did not apply the conventions of a TV commercial ad would be when, throughout the ad I did not use any type of endorsement, the endorsement could be very beneficial for an ad as it could help with its diffusion in social media and make it more memorable. An example of celebrity endorsement in an ad for a car would be the Land Rover's Range Rover Sport Debut in 2013 that starred Daniel Craig (James Bond). This ad also reinforced the stereotype of the driver of this car; in my ad, I really wanted to avoid too obvious or predictable stereotypes, that is why I chose a businesswoman to be late to the meeting instead of a man. 


The successes of my project were, in my opinion, the type of shots I decided to film and how they came together with the editing and the music. For me, the editing was a very important part of the project as it really made my vision for the ad come true in a way. The music I chose really made everything "fit". The melody and beat of the music were also really important as I managed to create parallel sounds that enhanced the shots and editing. Another success in my project was that I could create an ad where there was a story; instead of just someone actively trying to sell a product, I wanted the audience to figure out what it meant at the end and want my "argument" for buying the product was, without explicitly saying it. 

Some failures of my project were that I didn’t really target the ad to a certain audience, which would make the ad more effective. I also feel as though I could have done a better job with the color palette of the ad to make it look more cohesive, I could have done this in the editing part of the project. 


Some difficulties I encountered were that when I was planning the ad and drawing the storyboard I found that I was using the same shots and angles almost all the time, and with barely any camera movement, I overcame this problem by thinking of more creating shots angle my favorite example of this is when the businesswoman runs towards the stationary camera in a long/medium shot, and then jumps over it, after this I filmed another shot where the camera lays flat on the floor, pointing upward, creating an extremely low angle, and the businesswoman jumps over it. I edited the two clips together to make it seem as if they were shot at the same time in just different angles. This made the ad way more entertaining, engaging, and overall fun to watch. Another time I changed a shot to make it more dynamic was when I replaced a long clip of a long shot of the woman running up the stair with a shot piece of this clip and a track of the same action, this also interacted well with the music of choice making the scene more intense and suspenseful.


From this project I learned to plan EVERYTHING in advance as I realized that when I filmed the second time (i had to film twice because I fired the previous actor), it was a lot easier, as I had each shot planned out and I could show my friends (the actors) the storyboard so they could understand better what they had to do.



Foundation Portfolio

link to foundation portfolio


Giuliana Cavalla - 2022

Advanced Portfolio -  Media Studies

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